Health workshop discusses ways to fight AMR in PNG

A second stakeholder’s workshop held earlier this week was to review the preliminary results of the country situational analysis.

The workshop was also to discuss the way forward on combatting AMR in PNG.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is currently a priority agenda for the Department of Health of Papua New Guinea.

This is supported by the priority actions listed in the Action Agenda for Antimicrobial Resistance in the Western Pacific Region, which was endorsed by the Sixty-fifth session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Region as well as the Global Action Plan on AMR endorsed at the World Health Assembly in May 2015.

The Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance urges all WHO Member States to develop National Action Plans on AMR by May 2017. In collaboration with NDOH, a country situation analysis has been conducted and a multi-sectoral national action plan on AMR drafted in 2016.

This workshop aimed at build on the active dialogue among key stakeholders related to combating the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in Papua New Guinea and to establish a clear way forward in addressing this issue.

Participants included representatives from the relevant sectors notably human health, animal health and production, and the food and environment sectors.

A key element discussed in the workshop is advocacy and breaking the message down for the bulk of our population.

LoopPNG/Picture by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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